Considering the Bon Vivant Within
I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be a bon vivant. To me, it’s about embracing every facet of life with enthusiasm and a touch of thoughtfulness. It’s about being genuinely interested in the world around me and finding that delicate balance between consuming information, processing it, and ultimately, creating something beautiful out of it.
Lately, I’ve found myself leaning more towards the consumption side of things. Whether it’s devouring books, soaking in new art techniques, or getting lost in the endless scroll of digital media, I’ve been taking in so much. Don’t get me wrong, there’s immense value in this intake. It fuels inspiration and broadens horizons. But I’ve realized that I need to carve out more time for the other side of the equation: creation.

As I get older, I’ve noticed a stronger pull towards rest, especially in the form of napping. While resting is important and rejuvenating, there’s a fine line between recharging and losing momentum. I want to find that sweet spot where rest doesn’t overshadow my creative urges.
To get back into the groove of creating, I’m committing to making something every day. It doesn’t have to be grand or perfect. It could be a quick sketch, a few lines jotted down in a journal, a voice memo recorded on my phone, or a few strokes on a canvas. The goal is to keep the creative juices flowing, to ensure that I’m not just a consumer but also a creator.
Today, my focus is on preparing for an exciting upcoming event: my painting workshop in Cloudcroft, NM. I’ll be learning from the incredibly talented David Shevlino. His work is a testament to the beauty of flow and motion. I admire how he wields his brush with such strength and confidence, creating edges that seamlessly blend the figure with the background. There’s a vitality in his strokes that I aspire to capture in my own work.
As I pack my supplies and mentally prepare for this workshop, I’m filled with a sense of anticipation and eagerness. It’s moments like these that remind me why I fell in love with art in the first place. The journey of learning, experimenting, and expressing is endless and exhilarating.
So here’s to embracing the bon vivant within, to finding joy in both consuming and creating, and to continuously seeking that balance. Life is an art form in itself, and I’m excited to keep painting my path with every step.
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