Contemplating the future
Looks like I have decided to move forward again with making daily paintings. For a while I was concerned about making large paintings that would really make an impact. While I am not really moving away from that, I just really need to create a simple process that gives me content to work on. By content, I mean I really need to focus on gathering material that I can use to compose paintings. This means landscape photography and portrait photos.
The decision to do this is partially about using my time better. I really don’t need to watch Netflix shows. They don’t really add much to my life. I also would prefer to be a bit more active. Laying in front of the TV is not a great practice for engaging in living.
Today I have been exploring various blankets that I can pick up. Useful for wrapping and setting up portraits. I have also been exploring using Photoshop to re-light or manage lighting in a composition. Yes, my sketchbook is a mix of Procreate and Photoshop. A good tablet goes a long way.
There are several kinds of things I want to do with frames. Simply getting some basic unfinished frames and running them through my CNC machine could be nice. Was thinking it would be nice to add punched tin to the edges of the frames too. Something to separate the frames from the rest.

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