Contemplating the future
Looks like I have decided to move forward again with making daily paintings. For a while I was concerned about making large paintings that would really make an impact. While …
Looks like I have decided to move forward again with making daily paintings. For a while I was concerned about making large paintings that would really make an impact. While …
Where am I with my art? I haven’t made a painting in a couple months. I have ideas brewing, but very little on canvas. My space is my own again. …
Read about economic and financial tools. Make playing with these tools fun and profitable. Make this your hobby. – Who did it? Stories from people who use financial tools – …
Today I had a bit of an idea. It is essentially setting up my own blockchain to track exchanges on a few compelling items. The concept of ownership and sales …
Spending a little time today thinking about machine learning and how it can be useful for what I do. In the past I have used generative algorithms to create patterns …
Considering getting a CNC machine to carve wood for projects. This could be a really nice thing for my work. I am am a little excited about it. Not quite …
Lately I have been doing a bit of 3D printing. In the past, it has been about just getting prints to stick to the plate, or wrestling with printer filament. …
Looks like I am starting my website over again. Throwing out the old and starting fresh. Let’s see if I can produce something worth holding onto. I converted my studio …