WordPress Block Themes

Posted on April 3, 2024

Thinking about the process of creating custom WordPress themes using the Block format. It is a completely new concept for me. I think it might be a valuable skill to learn. It could be “fun” in the infuriating way. There are a few resources that I want to preserve for future use.

The first item is a blank theme that allows you to discover font things and possibly arrangement of items. I don’t know how you would convert everything into a viable custom theme.

This article spends time explaining the parts of a WordPress theme. The interesting bit is “the Loop” which is a function that allows WordPress sites to display a continuous listing of “Posts” on a page.

This item is a little complex and overwhelming. Not sure what I can do with it beyond using it as a reference.

This is a pretty darn good tutorial. Though it is endlessly long. It should be helpful … if I have the time.

Gaak! There is also an update to Widget use in Block themes. I don’t know if I can take it. It seems to mix old format Widgets with the new Block Widgets. If that is a thing.

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